Saturday, August 1, 2009

Panning for Gold

We are having a family reunion in Breckenridge with almost the whole gang (I think that totals up to 27 people less 1 son-in-law and 1 son). This includes 14 grandchildren ranging in age from 3.5 weeks to 14 years-old. They are all fun to have around. Yesterday, the most popular activity was panning for gold and all of the kids, except the 3 youngest. It was a hoot to watch them having so much fun. They spent hours at it. Donna's Baby was focused on finding the next BIG nugget, so he could retire at age 8. Somehow, I don't think that was going to happen.

Baby and Mac working hard on extracting gold

Bonnie took a novel approach to panning. She decided it was better to submerge the pan and see how full she could get it with river sand. Gold wasn't important, just how much she could get in the pan. And she was absolutely serious about it.

Bonnie's bandage is from a previous, non gold panning incident.

I've placed some additional thoughts below of the group panning for gold. I left out all of the dads who were panning for gold since I didn't want anyone to think their wives were bankrupting them.

When you are looking for gold it is all about being focused on the task.

Little Deano is really focused on the speck of gold

Alexis can smile and pan for gold!

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