Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And the CHAMPION is. . .

Let's look in the envelope to see who are the all-time champions of Grandpa's family photos on the flickr site it. First off, can you even believe that people look at family pictures - they do, but I've learned it is all in the title you give the photo. The more off the wall the more hits you are going to get. But the winners are real champions.

Second Runner Up at 123 hits and a family favorite is this photo of Donna and JoAnn at Wymount Terrace, BYU, 1972.

First Runner Up at 190 hits, a dead ringer, and sneaked in from the past "Tim-1982." It must be the name Tim that draws everyone to the photo. He is cute, but I really thought someone younger would beat him out. Don't let it go to your head son. Then again, it could be because it's fuzzy and everyone is trying to figure out who it is.

The Champion at 377 hits as of August 11, 2009 at 8:15 PM. After 1 look at that photo, which I titled "Tonsils!" is there any doubt who is queen of flickr? Click on the photo for a real close-up.

Up and Coming Photos that may someday become champions. It doesn't matter how good you are, there is always someone in the wings waiting to take your spot. Here are two likely contenders.

Bonnie and her boots got 27 hits in one day! Of course she does have a great supporting cast.

And Megan and Alexis got 24 hits on the same day. Time will tell, but these 2 photos may become flickr Champions.


Donna said...

How true, it's all in the name! The more creative the better.

Student Entrepreneur said...

Too funny!