Sunday, June 21, 2009

Flowers, Father, and Sundays

It was a pretty quiet Sunday around our home. A few calls to wish me Happy Father's Day, which I mightily enjoyed, and a relaxing morning before Church. My early morning meetings were cancelled, so I got to spend them with JoAnn and Whisper. I got to catch up on a little reading, looking for the cat (several times), and some relaxation.

As we were getting on to 10 am I realized there was a plant I had not taken photos of in the backyard. It had blossomed almost 2 weeks ago and it's in a location that is not real visible from our back window. I went out to take some photos (I do seem to enjoy that) and got caught up in the moment. You can't just take one photo, though I tried. I took several, a couple of which are above and the rest on flickr.

I was closing the window in our bathroom and as I looked out I saw a hummingbird working on our plant. We have a few hummingbirds who frequent our yard on a very regular basis. I wanted a photo of the hummingbird so I ran into the sewing room grabbed my camera, changed lenses, and started shooting from the bathroom window. I was amazed the hummingbird was still at the plant. Usually they flit from plant to plant, but not this morning, just from flower to flower. The hummingbird was moving faster than I was, but I finally got a couple of good shots. Thank goodness it needed a rest.

Need to call my Dad to wish him Happy Father's Day and then we are done for the day. Happy Father's Day to my son-in-laws and son (with a child).


Student Entrepreneur said...

I love you and I love the hummingbird pictures!! One of my favorit birds!!

Tim said...

Nice photo

Donna said...

Happy Father's Day a little late! I love you.