Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sweetness Personified

I wrote my earlier blog today about Alyssa just before we left for Church. I received the photo last evening, but waited to post. We got to Church and I casually looked at my iPhone for another reason (don't tell the Bishop) and there was a picture of our newest little granddaughter, born July 2. She is sweetness personified - but then all of our granddaughters are. That smile could melt the hardest heart, calm the strongest storm, calm the wildest wind. At least I think it could. So, as I stated in the earlier post, they grow up, but right now we need to take full advantage of Charlotte and her sister and cousins - regardless of their age. They are special spirits.

As a note to the grandsons, you are adorable too, but I just can't keep up with you. I will write about you soon!


sally said...

I was sending Grandpa the photo so he knew Charlotte didn't wear just pink. Plus she is smiling so well these days.

Donna said...

All the babies are so cute!

Jeni Allen said...

What a cutie! Did you make the dress Sally? Oh, Charlotte is SO cute!

Krissie said...

All of the babies are so cute! I love Charlotte's smile! It's so contagious.

Student Entrepreneur said...

She is so cute!!! And I love the dress - Hattie will too:)

quilts and quirks said...

Don't you just want to pick Charlotte up and hug and kiss her. She has that million dollar smile. It is that MCLEAN smile all our children have.

Lonita said...

What a sweet picture!