Friday, June 11, 2010

Down Trend Follows on Heels of Rise in Skirts

That was the title of an article in the Modesto Bee newspaper on February 6, 1966. So, like who cares. It just so happens that we both cared since we were in the article. We were both students at Modesto Junior College and not dating. That happened a couple of months later. JoAnn is on the left and an old friend of ours on the right (she is an old friend because we are older too).

The article was about the trend of going from heals to flats and hem lines rising. Of course, what is important in the article is that we were both in it. Me in my letter jacket, very thin, and yes, if you look close white socks. But white socks were acceptable in those days. It's a pretty good photo of me and great one of JoAnn showing a little leg. You won't get that photo today.

Did I mention that JoAnn was student government treasurer and I was vice-president, plus president of Block M club.


sally said...

This has always been one of my favorite photos. It's fun as a kid to see that your parents were once fun and hip. Crap soon my kids will feel the same way! I just always loved your old photos, guess it was preemptive to me loving most things vintage.

Tim said...

Dad, in my generation it was the jog bra. You knew it was spring on campus when the jog bra came out.

Grandpa said...

I think that was more than I wanted to know!

Donna said...

I remember being shocked, when I was younger, that you two had been so young and hip and handsome/beautiful once! I loved the photo then and am glad to see it again.

Student Entrepreneur said...

I showed it to the kids and asked which one they thought was Grandma:) It was fun for them to guess!! He is hard for them to think of mom and dad as young - let alone Grandpa and Grandma!!!