Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Days with a New Granddaughter

Today is the 12 day anniversary of little Charlotte Ann Bradley. Named for her maternal great grandmother. As Sally said, when I saw her I knew she was a Charlotte.

Each birth is special and even as a grandfather you experience a great wonder with the birth of each child. You realize how special life is, how important family is, and how wonderful it is to have these new spirits as a gift and responsibility. As you hold them for the first time you realize the miracle of life that is provided for our responsibility to raise up and educate them.

The first few days I'm not sure Charlotte ever saw any chance to just lay around. She was held by everyone and when not held she was sleeping. You don't dare put her on the floor since her big brother thinks that a pat (okay, a thump) on the head is sweet. He will learn not to be quite so rough, but he too is young.

It was great to see my daughters, granddaughters, grandsons, and my eternal companion welcome this new young lady into our lives. Leaving JoAnn behind with almost every birth we have experienced reinforces the ideal of motherhood that endures with each generation allowing her to forge that special bond with the next generation. Whether she is holding the baby, playing with the children, or reading ... memories are being built.

Bonnie and JoAnn reading. Note the next book to be read is already in Bonnie's hand.


Student Entrepreneur said...

And thank you dad for letting mom stay and make those memories with us!! I love seeing you hold those little babies!!

Marge J in Cape said...

Dan you really have a way with words and do think Donna got her love of writing from you. Charlotte is beautiful and know that you enjoyed every minute with her. They change way too fast but fun to watch the changes.