Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Critics Review is In

I just returned from Spanish Fork and Boise where we spent time with children, grandchildren, and the newest grandchild of all - little Charlotte. That is one of the great experiences of being a grandfather.

Since we had some free time (me, not JoAnn) I took Suzanne, the 4 kids, and Mike (our son) to lunch on Tuesday. The girls were all up for McDonald's, but I didn't drive all the way to Boise for a big Mac. So I selected a downtown restaurant, with Mike' help, that is a fast-food Mexican, I enjoy. So we went.

Later in the afternoon daughter Jeni called to say she had received an email from Suzanne's oldest daughter, Ellen, describing lunch, and it was a classic...

"Grandpa took us to lunch today. It was no fun!"

Okay, from now on I will stick to fast food restaurants with play areas. My lesson is learned.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Sounds like she has her priorities right