Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The OCD Connection

Tuesday I flew in to Utah to attend a dinner at Brigham Young University that evening. As part of the trip I scheduled an afternoon with my oldest daughter. We had lunch and enjoyed ourselves talking about all kinds of things, including "Baby" (I use her blog name for the youngest). It appears he loves to buy Legos and especially Star Wars legos. The evening before I arrived they went out on a quest for a specific Lego set and found it at only the 2nd Wal-Mart. Better yet it was purchased with Baby's own money. Donna said the bags were all numbered and all Baby had to do was open one bag at a time and get what he needed to build the space vehicle. It was late and the boys were supposed to be in bed, but when Donna checked on him he had all of the Legos out of the bags and on the floor of his bedroom. Donna was a little upset, but got over it.

When I got to their home I realized all of the Legos had been moved to the kitchen table, more or less in a large and scattered pile. Donna went off to get the boys from school and I took it upon myself to "organize" the Legos by color and shape. See where I'm going. We all accuse Donna, and some others, of OCD. One look at the table clearly showed I have some OCD tendencies. Go figure! I do lists and lists of lists. I have a form that sets long term and weekly goals at work along with daily tasks. I guess I'm guilty. I know it drives JoAnn crazy sometimes (maybe all of athe time).

Sorry kids, I guess it is inherited - and not just from me. It's a Merriam trait which has become a McLean trait. Thank goodness not everyone is infected or it would be crazy when we all get together.

Bottom line - Baby and I had a great time working on his Legos. He put it together and I helped him find the pieces. I had to leave for the banquet and when I got home it was all done, and looked great. I have provided a couple of photos below of Baby's hard work. I would have more, but he wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a photo. He is always moving. Just ask his mom.


Student Entrepreneur said...

My kids love legos too!!

Donna said...

Baby was so proud of his Lego set and how he did it almost by himself.

Krissie said...

I'm a little OCD also. For this past move, I made list after list and job duty after job drove David crazy.