Saturday, February 7, 2009

Baking Cookies

It is a time-honored tradition to bake cookies at our home. Of course, now that children are gone we don't bake cookies nearly as often. This weekend daughter 3 is in town for 5 full days and she and Grandma had quite a list of things to get accomplished. Sugar cookies was on that list and on Saturday afternoon we got to the "baking cookies" portion of the list. I can't remember the last time we baked sugar cookies at our house. It was fun and all I had to do was wander in occasionally and swipe a bit of batter (watch for it).

The 2:29 minute movie (without sound) is below. For those of you who want sound turn on Aretha Franklin's "Respect" it is just about the right length. Oh, and be sure to watch for the cheesy shots. It was a cloudy day that is why the color seems to change all of the time.

1 comment:

Student Entrepreneur said...

We had so much fun making cookies - we just kept wondering what was making a clicking sound - until we found Dad's phone - taking pictures of us!! Cute movie dad! And thanks for letting me come and stay! I love you!!