Monday, July 4, 2011

Speaking of Comfort

Following up on my reading comfortably post, I thought it was appropriate that I give due diligence to the one member of our family who has comfort down to a science. I'm speaking of our devil cat (daughter's name for our feline friend), the queen of comfort -- Whisper. She can be comfortable anywhere and sometimes in locations we have no idea where she is.

On the back of the sofa chair and almost
always on a blanket - especially one some-
one has made. Jeni in this case.
Her nap locations change based on the season and, I suspect, her whim. She loves the wicker love seat on the patio when it is below 100. When it's over 100 she is under the love seat on the paving tiles or on one of our outdoor chairs. There are also a couple of bushes she loves to be under. She can go to sleep anywhere, but I suspect her outdoor naps are less peaceful than her indoor naps. She is always looking for a gecko or bird she cat fetch. Just in the last few days she has started to come right up to the back door and sleep at the edge of the door. Fortunately it's a sliding glass door so we can open it and step over her.

Our peek-a-boo cat keeping an eye on us.

When she comes indoors on a hot day she walks over to make sure she still has food and then plops down on the cool tile and stays there until she has cooled off. She likes the half on - half off model also. Half on tile and half off carpet, if that makes sense. Sheets, not blankets, are her favorite this time of the year and since we moved the coffee table into the family room it too has become a place to relax. There are some other spots were not quite sure of. She will disappear in the middle of the day for a few hours and we aren't sure where she it, but when it moves her, she wanders in. Her favorite spot, hands down, are our office chairs. We can go into JoAnn's office and find her curled up in deep sleep or in my office doing the same. The sculpted contour of those chairs seems to fit her perfectly. It also makes it harder to get the hair off.

Who would have thought a coffee table would be the
place to be. She can also watch TV from here.

Given the length of this post, it would suggest I'm a little envious. I am. She can go to sleep anywhere, any time. In fact as I look out the kitchen door she is stretched out under the wicker love seat and her eyes are just closing, with paws under her chin. The ears are still moving just a little, like a radar dish just in case something exciting occurs, but no, it hasn't and the eyes artfully shut and she is out. Whisper truly is the queen of comfort.

The previous owner had a shelf above the spring tub and
kept his cacti on it. We keep our cat on it. She loves
the sun when it comes in.


Krissie said...

Sleeping in comfort is almost every pet animal specialty!

Jeni Allen said...

Ahhhh, sleep. I think that's where I'm headed! I don't think my cat is any lazier then yours! Cats just love to sleep!

sally said...

From this post it would look like you actually like your cat, unlike all your children. Although I wish I could get that comfortable these days!