Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love at First Sight

One of the wonderful experiences of having grandchildren, especially young ones, but even teenagers, is watching and receiving their love. About 4:30 am this morning we had the Bradley family show up for a short sleepover on their way to San Diego. We are still a destination (we like that in Las Vegas), but we've also become a waypoint as our children head to youngest daughter's new home in San Diego. At least we usually get to spend a night, or a morning in this case, with grandchildren, and enjoy the whole family.

The Bradley's brought 3 young ones with them. I don't even begin to guess ages any more, but none of them have started school yet, so loving grandma and grandpa is still very special. And when they come to town we get lots of hugs and then are asked, "Where are the toys?"

This morning I rescued the 2 youngest about 5:30 so the adults could sleep a bit longer. These 2 had slept all the way from Idaho and felt like they didn't need any more. If I left them alone I'm sure no one else would have gotten much more sleep. We started with a movie on my iPad, followed by a box of toys. I even taught them how to tickle grandma's feet (she didn't wake up for anything). We had a great time rolling a ball back and forth to each other. Love was expressed in being together, playing together, and having lots of fun.

Later as all of the adults were up and we were moving towards breakfast middle child noticed our big screen TV (they don't have one, but the other grandparents do as well as at least one of his aunts, so he knows what it is). What I didn't know was his infatuation with the big screen. He ran over and before I could catch him he spread his arms, placed both hands on the screen, and gave it a kiss! It was love at first sight, albeit, a one way love. And no, we never turned it on, but he let us know what was important in his realm.


Donna said...

I love toddlers too! They are so much fun. And I love that Chas had to kiss the TV. That's just awesome.

Student Entrepreneur said...

That is the best!!! I never knew that Chas loved his big screen tvs that much!!! I love it!!

sally said...

I missed that completely. That boy makes all of us laugh.