Sunday, August 29, 2010

Classic Monday - On Sunday

Just when you think your have it all figured out a daughter comes along and has a Monday birthday. In our house birthdays have a high priority, or at least we like to think so. So, almost Happy Birthday Suzanne!!!

Today I've chosen to go back and highlight my brother and I. We were born 10 months and 3 days apart. I'm the older, smarter, and more handsome. Well, I keep telling myself that. We were fortunate to have a grandfather - Robert Merriam, who took photos as well as a mother who took photos. What follows is a highly selective documentation of our life together. I want you to notice how often we have "look alike" clothes on - shirts, pants, coats, shoes (if you could see them). It wasn't until we hit high school that Dennis and I asked if we could be different, because we are.

The photos bring back fond memories of growing up in so many different places, but always as a family. Enjoy the photos.

Summer, 1947 in Des Moines, Iowa. Dennis was almost 4 months old.
Dennis & I in our hunting attire at the bottom of the hill
below the Merriam homestead in Des Moines - March, 1952.
Guess what we got for Christmas in 1953. We look awfully good don't we,
even with my closed eyes.
You wonder where I get my OCD - look at the organization in the garage!
Grandpa Merriam made the tool box for us, and we used it for years. It might
even still be around somewhere. Christmas, 1953.
It got harder to get a photo of just Dennis and I, but we were always willing
to do photos with our little sisters - Patti & Jeri. January, 1961 in Abilene, Texas.
It's the 4 of us again around Easter, 1962. Note that Dennis &
I aren't dressed alike anymore! Abilene, Texas.

1 comment:

sally said...

I like that you two are dressed a like most of the time. That's the way it should be, coming from a mom.