Saturday, May 23, 2009

Urban Camouflage

With such a title I'm sure you are anticipating a blog focusing on how people camouflage themselves in an urban environment. Sorry, but I'm going to disappoint you. Read on! Camouflage is the process of hiding in plain site. Animals have all kinds of defenses to help them hide in plain site. We have a gecko out back who we can only see when it runs along the burnt umber wall by the plants. Our humming birds have minimal camouflage. Scorpions are so light colored you can't see them on the desert sand/soil, much less on a light brown carpet. Given that our cat is gray and nothing outside is gray you would think that a cat could never hide. Our cat is a master camouflager, but inside, not outside the house. We can wander around the house looking for her and not find her - even when she is in plain site. Granted she has lots of sleeping places and some are not visible, but the visible ones drive us crazy.

This afternoon as I walked into our bedroom there she was, racked out on what I call her "summer chair" and she matches it almost perfectly. She does the same thing on the front room couch. We have learned to look at the corners. But, as I walked in our bedroom I took one look and thought, this is a photo to share. Even if you are not a cat lover, you have to admit our cat knows comfort. And, you can't get to comfort if you can't camouflage yourself. She may not be the smartest cat, but she can "hide in plain site."

Some have had problems finding her head. It's on the right side.


Jeni Allen said...

Cute picture. She only bit me once last weekend, she's okay!

sally said...

I don't think she ever relaxed like that during sister's weekend. She must be so happy to have the house back to herself.

Student Entrepreneur said...

I didn't see the towel on the chair! I am glad that she is relaxing!