I was just sitting at the computer waiting for Grandma to leave on a visiting teaching assignment following a traditional Sunday afternoon dinner of waffles. I was initially just looking, but then as I was reading my my daughters blogs and then back at my blog (yes, I do read my own blog) about quilting and seeing Grandma's picture with Donna and realizing quilting is about love, not really about quilting. At least not for Grandma.
Granted, she does love the challenge of quilting, but she even more loves the process of figuring out just the right quilt for a daughter or son, or grandchild, and even grandpa. Among her first projects were high school graduation quilts that were joint efforts. The children selected a design and Mom began the work on the quilts. They were truly a work of love, because it typically took a year to get each of the quilts completed. There were lots of interruptions along the way, and other projects. But, they always were finished and delivered.
Tim's wedding quilt was the biggest, and maybe only, queen size quilt Grandma ever tried. I remember 5 daughters taking one look at that quilt and almost in unison saying, "When do I get mine?" Well don't hold your breath. That may require retirement. Back to the point. The quilt was a labor of love - love for Tim and Lonita - and by extension to the entire family.
A runner for Suzanne's dining room table. Would you believe I couldn't find a photo of Suzanne with a quilt?
Grandma is best known for her smaller quilts. Every grandchild has at least one quilt, sometimes several. Alexis has 3 that I can remember: (1) baby quilt; (2) broken arm quilt; and (3) baptism quilt. She can be a little demanding (right Suzanne?). When she had a compound fracture of her arm she said she wanted "Grandma McLean to come and take care of her." When Suzanne explained that Grandma couldn't come her response was, "I need a quilt from Grandma." And yes, that became Grandma's top priority. It was the baptism quilt I was surprised by, but again Alexis asked for it. It was a classy quilt and when I asked Alexis if she was going to hang it up on her wall (what was I thinking?), her response was "It's just the right size for me."
Lots of time and effort go into a quilt, but when it is all said and done, it is the love that goes into the quilt that makes all the difference. Maybe that is why Grandma is so special. I think so!
We all love the quilts! But we love you to Grandpa!! And yes - Lexi is a LOT demanding!!
Thanks for putting a photo of me from the day I got home from the hospital - I guess you're just lucky I showered. We love your quilts here and Grandma is loved even more than the quilts.
We love our quilts, too - Joshua sleeps under his every night, and even though we now have a king-size bed, the queen-size wedding quilt still fits just perfect over the top.
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