Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sharing and Rethinking Some Sharing

As JoAnn and I have had children leave home and had more time for each other we have discovered we are share more and more experiences together and enjoying it. We've always enjoyed driving together to see new or old and beautiful country. We more recently have had fun making salads together. We pull all of the vegetables, spinach, condiments, and other things. While one of us builds the salad the other steams the vegetables. Those salads are sooooo goooood! We've made bread and cookies together. We fold clothes together although there are some of her clothes that I can't fold. We put up Christmas decorations together. We garden together and the list goes on. While I don't help sewing, she values my opion, or at least asks when it related to colors. I reciprocate by asking about ties (when I wear them).

However, we have one sharing experience we are having to rethink. For years we have sat next to each other and shared the hymnal during sacrament meeting at Church. If you sit behind us it probably looks comical. The hymnal almost continuously goes forward, backward, up, down with each of us trying to find the right distance and location for our bifocal and trifocal lenses. We laughed about it last Sunday as we realized that our hymnal was constantly in motion. It's a good thing we know most of the songs and only periodically have to look at the words. I can only imagine what it looks like to watch us from the pew behind us. I suspect we will figure out how to make this work so we can continue to share.