Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Quilt Shop is Open

We were blessed to have 2 of our children visit this week. Well, a child and a spouse, but once they become a spouse they are adopted into our family (in a literal sense). David and Krissie flew in from San Diego on Monday to help me and JoAnn out since JoAnn went into the hospital early Monday morning for a condition that has been resolved and is NOT life threatening. She came home on Wednesday, tired, hungry, and physically exhausted. She had been sick for 3 weeks, but we really didn't understand that until she got to the hospital. However, that has little or much to do with this post.

Because David & Krissie were here I was able to go back to work on Wednesday for what was left of a busy week. JoAnn finally made it home about 6 pm and she went almost directly to bed. We were all exhausted and went to bed early. Thursday was another busy morning at work and I took the afternoon off to spend time with the kids. David and I were busy reorganizing the garage and driving around picking up shelving, tearing down existing work benches, and cleaning up. At some point we came inside and the girls announced they had been to the quilt store!

I looked at them incredulously, thnking to myself, "Your mother just got out of the hospital and you took her to the quilt store! What is the matter with you?" They could see me warring with my emotions and began to laugh. Now I was confused. Finally they said, "We went to Mom's quilt store!" They had me, but it wasn't for the first time.

JoAnn reminded me that the last time we had Sister's Weekend at our house that I was sitting on the computer in her office when I watched our daughters come in several times and go through her well organized quilt storage area. For the girls it was like being in a quilt store and they all readily agree it's one of the best quilt stores they have been in. So Krissie, our lone unrepentant non quilter had finally repented and was quilting to making Christmas gifts for her sister-in-laws (no secrets revealed here). She learned pretty quickly under the steady hand and eye of JoAnn. Krissie did most of the work once she understood the basics.

It's still good to know that we can help our children in small ways that allow them to grow. We do enjoy having our children around and look forward to when we live closer to some of them and not have to depend on a visit to have them over, but it becomes part of a daily routine.


Jeni Allen said...

Mom does have the best quilt store around! How can you go wrong with the organized colored fabric in the see threw tubs. They've recently opened a quilt store in Denver that has new and 'reloved' fabric. You can take in what you're not using and trade it or sell it. I can't wait to visit.

Donna said...

Love mom's quilt shop!

Student Entrepreneur said...

I agree!! Glad you are liking it Krissie!

sally said...

I've already began to train my kids that we don't need to go to the fabric store, we can just step right into Mom's fabric store. Bonnie thinks this is super cool. I love shopping at Mom's quilt store. There is always something great. I'm glad Krissie & David were there all week, what a blessing it was knowing someone could come help out.

Krissie said...

We were so glad we were able to come! I have so many ideas and will have to go to Joann Fabrics to start them before we come out for Thanksgiving and then she can help me on the next step!